Digital Media Awards 2024: Gold award for Noetik

Digital Media Awards 2024

Digital Media Awards 2024

On Monday, July 8th, at the Markou Wine Museum, the 11th DIME Awards 2024 ceremony took place, the established awards for Digital Media Publications.

Builing Energy Saving tool home page


Aiming to highlight and reward best practices, innovation, and aesthetic excellence, the members of the judging panel awarded the Gold Award in the Best Overall Design category to the web-based application "Smart Energy Efficiency Calculator for Residencies and Buildings." designed and implemented by Noetik on behalf of the Regulatory Authority for Waste, Energy, and Water (RAAEY).

In second place followed the nomination " Redesign of the Vima website," and in third place was the nomination " Redesign of"

Team photo and the award


The award was received on behalf of Noetik by the General Manager, Mr. Dimitrios Tsoukakis, who stated:

«We are extremely proud of this distinction. This award is proof of the capability, hard work, and dedication of our team. We thank RAAEY and its experienced members for their trust and excellent cooperation in all phases of the project. This recognition encourages us to continue innovating and to offer high-quality products and services to our customers».

ceo statement


At the Digital Media (DIME) Awards 2024, the big winners of the year were DPG Digital Media Group,, Mindshare, COSMOTE and the OCM Marketplace.

The awards, which have become an institution for Digital Publications, highlighted authentic original content, objective representation of reality, creativity, and innovation for the 11th consecutive year.

all awarded


The nominations were evaluated by a Judging Panel consisting of 35 esteemed executives, chaired by Dr. Aikaterini Stavrianea, Assistant Professor of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


This award once again confirmed the high level of services and expertise of Noetik. This gold award, adding to the company's recognitions at the BITE awards, Green Brand awards, and e-Volution awards, marks the eighth recognition of their projects for the current year.


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